Mphasis saves a million dollars by enabling 100% digital hiring through RippleHire talent acquisition cloud


Mphasis is one of the top ten IT and ITeS services providers established in the year 2000. Headquartered in Bengaluru, India, the company has an employee base of more than 27,000 across 25+ countries in the world. Since inception, the company has been on the growth trajectory and has witnessed multiple client and business acquisitions. The significant increase in hiring opportunities lead the TAG (Talent Acquisition Group) team to focus on implementing growth strategies through tool driven interventions.


With rapid expansion in the last few years, speed of hiring has been the key focus. Also, recruitment leaders were exploring ways to improve the quality of hire while keeping the cost of hiring under control.

The smooth conduct of recruitment operations was getting regularly hampered as well. Absence of ‘robust duplication check’ led to escalations on resume credit. Whether from employees or external partners, these concerns were surfacing in multiple leadership calls. With some instances of dual payment and in general – governance at stake, there was leadership buy-in to fix the broken engine.

Like with any large IT services organization, the external hiring partners were supporting the needs. However, without any control on the inflow of profiles, recruitment teams were regularly facing the daunting task of screening a high number of profiles. And, the obvious question of the leadership was – “Can’t we get 5 good profiles from vendor partners instead of 50 quickly sourced and inadequately screened ones?”

The Talent Acquisition Team was already using an Applicant Tracking System. However, an arcane system was buggy, had a poor user experience, high cost of changes and speed of execution of their vision was sorely lacking. Besides, being an on-premise system meant that the access was restricted to the team and the speed of the application kept reducing every year. System was not scalable for their growing needs.

The team approached RippleHire for a fresh perspective on recruiting.

 Empowering the organization with high quality talent and impacting top line is what we continuously strive for as a strategic resourcing team. RippleHire helps us recruit effortlessly. During the pandemic, we were able to easily scale up to 1000’s of offers in a week through the platform. Mphasis today delivers a premium hiring manager, employee and candidate experience consistently.

Ayaskant Sarangi,
CHRO, Mphasis


RippleHire’s cloud based solution focused on streamlining Recruitment Operations by bringing in features like – bulk parsing of profiles, automated mailers upon status change, revamped search functionality. An unique resume duplication logic was implemented to address the compliance challenges of different geographies globally. Additionally, the logic was different for contract staffing vis a vis full time hiring roles.

 RippleHire’s ‘Agency Portal’ enabled the external hiring partners to submit profiles and tracked candidate status real time. This helped reduce escalations and anxiety significantly. On the other hand, recruiters found it easy to manage the inflow & quality of profiles by throttling the resume submission limit. This meant that the team at Mphasis received 5 quality profiles for key roles versus a volume of 50 reducing significant efforts and bringing speed to their journey.

With leadership buy-in, RippleHire adopted continuous development basis regular recruiter training and feedback. This approach led to a high degree of user acceptance. RippleHire’s insight widgets enabled the Leadership to access & review hiring data such as ageing, source mix, fulfilment by multiple levels of drill down. All these features were made smartphone friendly as well. 

Recruitment Operation was further optimised by the introduction of the referral platform. The feature rich, easy to use and gamified interface enabled employees to seek referral through channels like Social Media, WhatsApp but also track referral status real time. This enhanced the employee experience and brought back the trust on the effectiveness of the referral program. Additionally, the team has been able to run the referral program like a marketing activity internal to the organization.

Calendar sync. with O365 and Integration with video interview platform enabled the recruiters to conduct interviews seamlessly despite the disruption in a post COVID world.

With the processing engine all set, it was time to bring in interventions to impact the top line. The offer module aimed at making all the sections of Offer integrated & digital – approval matrix, serial and parallel approval basis deviation in salary range and additional benefits, auto pickup of offer template, multi-language support, visual letter, digital signature, rollout, acceptance/decline, and source candidate feedback.

RippleHire enabled the leadership at Mphasis to restrict access on a need to know basis, set up the right control and governance mechanisms. This ensured that talent acquisition audits are a breeze with the candidate logs available on the product itself. The platform additionally helped the team navigate the transition to GDPR compliance in May 2018 from day 1. RippleHire being ISO27001 certified meant that the infosec team privacy guidelines were adhered to out of the box.



Days improvement in time to join

Each day of joining contributed directly to revenue

0 %

Cost reduction per hire

Reviewing analytics and optimising source drove cost benefits.


On 5 offer experience rating by candidates

The offer module delivered premium experience for candidates. Effective tracking, secure and paperless all throughout.

Hiring metrics
0 %

Increase in recruiters’ productivity through digital hiring

The offer module delivered premium experience for candidates. Effective tracking, secure and paperless all throughout.

Referral Outcome
0 %

Growth in referral contribution to source mix

Better tracking of profiles, system triggered mailers, bulk action on resumes freed recruiters’ bandwidth and enabled them to process more profiles

What’s your number one problem statement in hiring today?