What is amiss in referrals? The most criticized aspect is the lack of transparency in referral programs. Though we all know that we get the best source of hire through referrals, yet organizations fail to execute effective referral programs.
Lack of consistent feedback to the employee is one of the main reasons that fail referral programs. The employee will least expect to know if their buddy will be called for an interview post referral. But some recruiters fail to inform the employee about their friend’s referral status. When the employees feel not valued for their contribution they stop referring even when they realize that their buddy will be a perfect fit for the open job position.
To avoid making the employees feel less important, the recruiters can take on a transparent referral program. They can use a referral system that provides the latest update on the referral.
This referral system can include:
Status updates
The employee and the referred candidate should receive emails stating the current situation of the referral, whether the candidate is on hold, selected, or in process. When receiving emails confirming their stand in the job search, both the employee and the candidate will feel rest assured of being called for an interview and consecutively selected for the job. Some recruiters can send status updates as text messages to the employees and the candidates’ phones. The best way to share status updates is through the referral portals of the organization.
Rewards and recognition
Monetary or non-monetary benefits can attract employees to refer their friends. Give away interesting rewards that boost the morale of the employees like ‘best referrer of the month’. the recruiter could flash the employee’s name in the portal who have contributed to the maximum referrals in the past one month or so. The recruitment team can also give away gift vouchers, paid vacations, or a double referral bonus to encourage more employees to refer. Never keep employees waiting longer if they are due for a reward. When employees are granted both rewards and recognition they deserve, there is no turning back.
Open communication
Be open with your communication strategy, if you are using referral newsletters, ensure it reaches the employees with a clear message and all the necessary referral details. If you are using the social media platforms, use it wisely as it reaches a wide range of audience. Your referral advertisements should cut to chase rather than providing trivial information on the open job position and the rewards policy. Even if you are going to set up an HR desk, kiosk, and internal job fairs, let them all recite one mantra — open and clear communication. The recruiters should ensure that they don’t promise something and do something else.
Let’s understand how status updates differ globally. Some countries like Japan and Korea, expect personalized updates for every referral and personalized treatment by the employer. Whereas, in America, Europe, and other Asian countries, they expect status updates on key steps, such as when their buddy applies, gets shortlisted, offered the job, rejected, or will be joining. Such status updates will leave a lasting impact on employees. Moreover, if the employees get updates that they are due for reward, they will become even happier.
When an organization follows transparency in the referral system, the employees are more likely to encourage their friends to join the workplace that provides them the trust and confidence to wait during the referral process. Employees can convince quality candidates to join and stay in their organization. So, personalize employees and engage candidates at each stage to find quality hires.
Curious to know how to solve other referral problems, read our blog on employee referrals – problems to solve. Ripplehire has employee referral tools, which you can adopt for your organization and solve your referral problems.