Avoid Becoming an Overburdened Recruiter: 11 Masterful Tips

Avoid Becoming an Overburdened Recruiter: 11 Masterful Tips

With the modern-day changes in the expectations from a recruiter, it has become increasingly important that you be extremely organized and well-organized. The need for diversity through inclusive recruitment, inclusion metrics, increased compliance – to name just the tip of the iceberg

As a recruiter, if you have never felt that being a recruiter nowadays is overwhelming and at times a thankless job, then you deserve a special medallion for your fortitude. And if you have felt it often, then you are a normal human being and deserve to know how to deal with it.

Here’s how you can avoid that burnout and be a talent acquisition superhero:

Leveraging Available Technology

Invest in a good application tracking software

Starting with job posting, and all the way to executing the final hiring decision, a good ATS will make your job easier. For instance, with the help of a tool like RippleHire ATS, you can source talent, smoothly track the interview process, manage the job offering process, evaluate candidate performance, and eventually make insightful hiring decisions. It will enable you to manage a lot of things under one technological umbrella and that’ll be such a relief!

Automate your communications to jobseekers

Whether the candidate is selected or rejected, you are still expected to communicate. Of course, a lot of recruiters forget to communicate rejections, but that’s actually a process-failure.

A good way to ensure that all interviewed candidates are handheld and guided throughout the recruitment process is to send them automated emails using a good ESP.

The most common recruitment emails you will be sending through automation are: next steps email, selection email, onboarding email, and rejection email.

Use mobile-friendly recruitment

Utilizing your mobile phones for tracking the recruitment activities is a great way to save energy. With this strategy, you will not have to access your laptop every time there is movement in the recruitment process.

Given that you will be managing several job postings and candidate profiles simultaneously, it’s a good idea to rely on recruitment apps that are mobile-compatible. For example, RippleHire ATS has a mobile version, using which you can post jobs and connect with candidates anytime, anywhere.

Improvising on the Recruitment Process

Post the job listings in a clear manner

Be assertive and clear with your job postings. You cannot afford to lose time interviewing unqualified candidates, with so much else to do.

Don’t leave it to chance, and the best way to avoid an influx of mismatching applications is to post the job listings in a clear and concise manner. It should encourage and attract qualified candidates, and at the same time communicate with zero ambiguity that unqualified candidates will not be considered.

Contact jobseekers selectively

Even after posting the jobs on various channels, you are likely to still receive a few unqualified candidates. Besides, you don’t have to interview all the applicants either. Use your judgment and put aside the profiles that you don’t want to consider, but just make sure that you retain access to them just in case.

However, you need to avoid the pitfall of rejecting resumes based on gut feeling or other subjective criteria as that can result in missing out on the one great candidate.

Take time to prepare for interviewing

No matter how experienced you are as a talent acquisition specialist, you need to keep in mind that not all candidates are the same. In fact, it would be fair to say that no two candidates are the same.

In such circumstances, it’s a good idea to rehearse (yes, rehearse) the interview as a recruiter. Practice with a colleague, or just with that mirror on the wall. But make sure you are prepared. This will help you keep control of the interview and save you interviewing time as well, not to mention alleviate the stress that comes with interviewing a candidate who asks intelligent questions that leave you regretting not having prepared for it better.

Give preference to remote interviewing

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic started, working remotely had become the norm. However, with employees returning to office gradually now, a lot more interviews are taking place within office premises.

In this context, remote interviewing has two distinct advantages: it saves your candidate’s time and energy and enables her to focus on the interview better – and it will save you the strain involved in constantly having to usher candidates in and out of the recruiter’s cabin one after another (No pun intended).

Go for employee referral programs

Candidates that are referred by your current employees are likely to come in with a positive impression about your company to begin with. This will make your job easier in the sense that you don’t have to sell them your company, but only the job itself. Besides, it will also help you improve engagement and retention of current employees, and that’s one less element of stress to deal with as an HR (given that most recruiters double-up in that role as well).

Investing a good tool for managing employee referrals will help you manage your referral programs with great ease and get superlative results.

Time Management and Prioritization

Apply time management techniques

Organizing your tasks better by prioritizing is the first step to success in task management, and stress minimization. You might want to try Eat that Frog technique by Brain Tracy, for example. But no matter what technique you follow, it remains imperative that you manage your time effectively to avoid a burnout.

And it’s not the time that you will end up managing better, but your tasks as well. And since time is our most precious resource, it is certain to help you feel richer and happier – and yes, since it helps you do a better job, it also increases your chances of actually becoming richer and happier!

Learn to say “no” to the inconsequential

This is not just about saying no to people who might be interrupting unnecessarily, but also about saying no to everything that doesn’t bring value. While you are working on your recruitment tasks, you just cannot afford to lose focus on distractions, whether it is social media, browsing the internet, an unimportant call, or just gossip at the water cooler.

Practice the self-discipline to say “no” to all that will eat into your focus levels, during your busy hours. You will enjoy your free hours better this way, and ultimately be more productive as well.

Invest in personal wellbeing

Putting aside a few minutes each day for meditation is a great way to start. But there is no shortage of techniques to become a happier and healthier person. So read up a bit more, watch some videos, listen to some good audiobooks (during your free time), and enrich your spirit.

Taking the occasional planned time off will go a long way to replenishing your mind and body, and you can get back to really kicking it with a vengeance!

Say “No” to Becoming an Overburdened Recruiter

To sum it up, you need to leverage the available technology such as investing in a good ATS, improvise in your recruitment strategy, and manage your time and energy better.

But knowing these tips is only one side of it. Actually putting them into action will require that determination and conviction on your part. Only you, the talent acquisition superhero can make it happen for yourself and your organization.

So say “yes” to implementing these techniques, and a big “NO” to becoming an overburdened recruiter!


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